World Environment Day
Saturday, 04 June 2022 / Published in Article, Blogs
2022 is a landmark year – it marks 50 years since the Stockholm Conference, which led to 5 June being designated as World Environment Day. A lot has changed in
Empowering farmers through solar-powered irrigation
Tuesday, 24 May 2022 / Published in Blogs
India is primarily an agricultural state, with a sizable chunk of our population dependent on agriculture and agribusinesses for their livelihood. The current heatwave ravaging India has already damaged wheat
Jhum Cultivation
Thursday, 07 May 2020 / Published in Blogs
In this piece, I will be specifically discussing my point of view on Jhum – an ancient farming practice followed among the tribes from the north-east corner of India. Sustainable
Lab Grown Meat
Thursday, 02 April 2020 / Published in Fact-On!
If I told you to draw a room that accurately represents the number of mammals living in the world, what would you do? Like me, you might draw a couple of